
One of the chronic manifestations of schistosomiasis is schistosomal obstructive uropathy (SUO), which is associated with significant morbidity and mortality in endemic areas.


Features of the obstructive uropathy:

(1) ureteral stenoses secondary to strictures

(2) functional ureteral obstruction with aperistalsis secondary to extensive transmural fibrosis

(3) variable lithiasis

(4) bladder dysfunction


The severity of uropathy parallels the tissue egg burden.


Consequences of the obstructive uropathy:

(1) hydroureter, which may be classified as

(1a) segmental with minimally dilated, thick-walled ureters, usually involving the lower ureter, with fibrosis and sandy patches

(1b) tonic, with dilated, tortuous, thick-walled ureters and hypertrophic ureteral muscle

(1c) atonic, with dilated, tortuous, thin-walled ureters and atrophic ureteral muscle

(2) hydronephrosis

(3) deterioration in renal function, eventually leading to renal failure


Aggressive therapy, both medical and surgical, can restore renal function, even in advanced cases.


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