
Escudier et al reported a score for determining the severity of mucosal lichen planus, with special reference to oral involvement. The authors are from King's College London, Guy's Hospital and St. Thomas' Hospital.

Sites scored as 0 for no lesions and 1 for any:

(1) outer lips

(2) inner lips

(3) lower right (distal) gingiva

(4) lower central gingiva

(5) lower left (distal) gingiva

(6) upper left (distal) gingiva

(7) upper central gingiva

(8) upper right (distal) gingiva

(9) right lateral tongue

(10) left lateral tongue


Sites scored 0 for no lesion, 1 if lesions <= 50% or 2 if > 50% involvement:

(1) left buccal mucosa

(2) right buccal mucosa

(3) dorsum of tongue

(4) floor of mouth

(5) hard palate

(6) soft palate

(7) oropharynx


Each site is scored based on severity:




none or keratosis only


keratosis with mild erythema


marked erythema


ulceration present



activity subscore for each site =

= (points for involvement) * (points for severity)


total activity score =

= SUM(points for all 17 sites)



• minimum total score: 0

• maximum total score: 72

• The higher the score the more severe the oral involvement by lichen planus.

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