A scorpion sting may occasionally be followed by renal insufficiency.
Geographical distribution - reported cases have come primarily from:
(1) North Africa
(2) Israel
(3) Iran
(4) Turkey
(5) Pakistan
Clinical and laboratory features:
(1) oliguria or anuria
(2) anasarca
(3) elevated serum creatinine and BUN
(4) variable proteinuria
(5) exclusion of alternative explanations
Possible mechanisms for renal insufficiency:
(1) hemolytic anemia with hemoglobin-related tubular damage (hemoglobinuria)
(2) hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)
(3) interstitial nephritis
(4) cardiac failure
(5) multi-organ failureassociated with severe envenomation
The renal failure is reversible if the patient survives the acute episode.
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Specialty: Toxicology, Emergency Medicine, Critical Care