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Ambayya et al reported a score for distinguishing alpha and beta thalassemia trait. The authors are from Hospital Ampang, UniversitiSains Malaysia, Gribbles Pathology Malaysia, Straits Scientific Malaysia and University of New Mexico.

Patient selection: thalassemia trait


Instrument: UnicelDxH 800 (Beckman Coulter)



Alpha Thalassemia

Beta Thalassemia

RDW in percent

< 15.85

> 15.85

MCH in pg

> 22.30

< 22.30

MCV in fL

> 70.80

< 70.80

microcytic anemia factor

> 8.95

< 8.95

lower median angle light scatter reticulocyte

< 109.5

> 109.5


score =

= ((lower median angle light scatter) * (RDW)) - MCH



• If the score is < 1742.5 then the patient has alpha thalassemia trait.

• If the score is >1742.5 then the patient has beta thalassemia trait.



• The area under the ROC curve for the score is 0.97.

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