Leli et al used laboratory results to screen a patient for malaria. The authors are from Azienda Ospedaliera SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo in Italy.
Patient selection: examination of thick and thin smears for malaria
Parameters associated with malaria:
(1) reduced platelet count
(2) serum C-reactive protein
(3) serum total bilirubin
A platelet count >= 185,000 per µL is associated with a negative blood smear exam with an odds ratio of 2.6 on multivariate analysis.
Other parameters associated with a negative smear exam:
(1) serum CRP <= 2 mg/dL
(2) serum total bilirubin <= 0.28 mg/dL
These values do not exclude malaria, only a negative smear exam.
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