During the Vietnam War the Selective Service classified men for the draft.
(1) Class I: available in some capacity
(2) Class II: deferment
(3) Class III: hardship deferment
(4) Class IV: exceptions
Number of subclasses: 20
Code |
Designation |
I-A |
available for military service |
I-A-O |
conscientious objector available for noncombatant military service only |
I-C |
member of Armed Forces of the United States, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Public Health Service |
I-D |
qualified member of reserve component, or student taking military training (ROTC, etc) and accepted aviation cadet |
I-O |
conscientious objector available for civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety or interest |
I-S |
student deferred by law until graduation from high school or attainment of age 20, or until end of his academic year at a college or university |
I-W |
conscientious objector performing civilian work contributing to the maintenance of national health, safety or interest |
I-Y |
qualified for military service only in time of war or national emergency |
II-A |
occupational deferment, non-agricultural and non-student |
II-C |
agricultural deferment |
II-S |
student deferment |
extreme hardship deferment, or registrant with child/children |
IV-A |
registrant with sufficient prior military service or sole surviving son |
IV-B |
official deferred by law |
IV-C |
alien not currently liable for military service |
IV-D |
minister of religion or divinity student |
IV-F |
registrant not qualified for military service |
IV-G |
registrant exempt from service during peace (surviving son or brother) |
IV-W |
conscientious objector who has completed alternate service |
V-A |
registrant over the age of liability for military service |