A short form general health survey using 6 items can be used to rapidly screen a person for recent health status.
Items for General Health survey:
(1) current health perceptions
(2) physical functioning
(3) pain
(4) psychological distress (mental health)
(5) role functioning
(6) social functioning
Example Question: (1) In general, would you say your health is:
Response |
Points |
excellent |
1 |
very good |
2 |
good |
3 |
fair |
4 |
poor |
5 |
survey score =
= SUM(points for the 6 items)
• minimum score: 6
• maximum score: 31
• The higher the score, the worse the person's recent health.
• The score can be converted to a percentage as:
percentage of optimum =
= ((31 – (survey score)) / 25) * 100%
Dr Ware has formed a company for distributing the SF-36 called Quality Metric, Inc.
Some of the SF questions are available at amIhealthy.com