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The TAME (T-A-M End-result) system summarizes the significant adverse events associated with a cancer therapy regimen. It is modeled on the TNM classification for cancer and can be used to compare the negative effects of different regimens.



(1) T = acute toxicity

(2) A = adverse long-term effects

(3) M = mortality



(1) size of a cohort in a study group

(2) number of acute Grade 3 or 4 adverse events in the cohort

(3) number of chronic Grade 3 or 4 adverse events in the cohort

(4) number of deaths in the cohort


T value =

= (number of acute Grade 3 or 4 events in cohort) / (size of cohort)


A value =

= (number of chronic long-term Grade 3 or 4 events in cohort) / (size of cohort)


M value =

= (number of deaths in cohort) / (size of cohort)


Risk for Acute Toxicity

<= 0.60


0.61 - 1.0


1.01 - 2.49


>= 2.50



NOTE: It may be necessary to express the distribution of adverse events in the population. Some patients will have no serious adverse events while a few may have more than 1. Averaging the number over the entire cohort may mask information. In addition, patients with severe adverse reactions are more likely to die, and so a single patient may be included in more than 1 component.


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