Thieben et al listed a number of clinical findings that may accompany the postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS). The authors are from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.
Generalized findings:
(1) fatigue, which may be chronic
(2) sleep disturbances
(3) migraine headache
(4) myofascial pain
(5) neuropathic pain
Orthostatic symptoms:
(1) dizziness or light-headedness
(2) presyncope
(3) palpitations
(4) tremulousness
(5) shortness of breath
(6) chest pain
(7) hyphidrosis or hyperhidrosis
(8) feeling weak
Other findings:
(1) gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea or constipation, bloating, nausea and/or vomiting)
(2) abdominal pain
(3) urinary bladder dysfunction
(4) pupillary dysfunction
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