
A patient with endemic (African) Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) may present with different kinds of lesions.


Location: east and central Africa (Cameroon, Uganda, other)


While the endemic form may affect patients of any age, many are children.


Sites of lesions:

(1) skin

(2) oral cavity or other mucosal surfaces

(3) lymph nodes and spleen (lymphadenopathic)

(4) visceral


According to Ziegler and Katongole-Mbidde the patterns seen in children are:

(1) oro-facial dominant

(2) inguinal-genital dominant


The clinical course may range from indolent to fulminant depending on the presence and severity of any underlying immunodeficiency. While the lymphadenopathic and vsiceral forms can be indolent, they tend to be associated with progressive disease.


A complication of the lymphadenopathic form is secondary lymphedema.


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