The Social Activity Index is an instrument for determining a woman's perceived ability to participate in social activities consequent to urinary stress incontinence.
Social situations queried:
(1) at work
(2) while dancing
(3) at the cinema or theater
(4) while hiking
(5) in group exercise
(6) in a general social setting
(7) during sexual activity
(8) attending an educational course
(9) traveling on a bus, train, etc.
(1) 10: no problem to participate
(2) 0: impossible to participate
total score =
= SUM(points for all 9 activities)
social activity index =
= MEAN(total score) =
= (total score) / 9
• minimum total score: 0
• maximum total score: 90
• minimum social activity index: 0 (impossible)
• maximum social activity index: 10 (no problems)
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