
The SOMA (Subjective, Objective, Management, Analytic) – LENT (Late Effects of Normal Tissue) scoring system can be used to evaluate a patient with cerebral complication following radiation and chemotherapy.


Subjective measures:

(1) headache

(2) somnolence

(3) intellectual deficit

(4) functional competence

(5) memory


Objective measures:

(1) neurologic deficit in the irradiated part of the brain

(2) cognitive functions

(3) mood and personality changes

(4) seizures


Management measures:

(1) headaches, somnolence

(2) seizures

(3) cognition, memory


Analytic studies:

(1) MRI (see table below)

(2) neuropsychologic (see table below)

(3) CT: assessment of swelling, edema, atrophy

(4) MRS: assessment of chemical spectra

(5) PET scan: assessment of metabolic activity

(6) serum myelin basic protein levels

(7) CSF for total protein and myelin basic protein levels


If no toxicity is present, then the 0 points are assigned.

If a toxicity is present, then the grade indicates the number of points to assign.


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4


occasional and minimal

intermittent and tolerable

persistent and intense

refractory and excruciating


occasional, able to work or perform normal activity

intermittent, interferes with work or normal activity

persistent; needs some assistance with self-care

refractory; prevents daily activity; coma

intellectual deficit

minor loss of ability to reason and judge

moderate loss of ability to reason and judge

major loss in ability to reason and judge

complete loss of reasoning and judgment

functional competence

perform complex tasks with minor inconvenience

cannot perform complex tasks

cannot perform simple tasks

incapable of self-care; supervision; coma


decreased short term; difficulty with learning

decreased long term, loss of short term

loss of short and long term

complete disorientation

neurologic deficit in irradiated brain

barely detectable neurologic signs; able to perform normal activities

easily detectable neurologic abnormalities; interferes with normal activities

focal motor signs, disturbances in speech, vision, etc.; interferes with daily activities

hemiplegia, hemisensory deficit, aphasia, blindness, coma; requires continuous care

cognitive function

minor loss of memory, reason and/or judgment

moderate loss of memory, reason and judgment

major intellectual impairment

complex memory loss and/or incapable of rational thought

mood and personality changes

occasional and minor

intermittent and minor

persistent and minor

total disintegration


focal, without impairment of consciousness

focal with impaired consciousness

generalized, tonic-clonic or absence attack

uncontrolled with loss of consciousness > 10 minutes

management of headache

occasional non-narcotic medication

persistent non-narcotic medication; intermittent low dose steroids

intermittent high dose steroids

parenteral high dose steroids, mannitol and/or surgery

management of seizures

behavioral modification

behavioral modification and occasional oral medication

permanent oral medication

intravenous anti-convulsant medication

management of cognition and memory

minor adaptation

psychosocial and educational intervention

occupational and physical therapy

custodial care


total score =

= SUM(points for all 12 items)


LENT score =

= (total score) / 12



Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

MRI findings

focal white matter changes; dystrophic cerebral calcification

white matter changes affecting <= 1 cerebral lobe; limited perilesional necrosis

focal necrosis with mass effect

pronounced white matter changes; mass effect requiring surgical intervention


minor deficits in memory, IQ and/or attention

IQ decrease 10 - 19 points

IQ decrease 20 – 29 points

>= 30 point decrease in IQ, but can learn simple tasks



• maximum total score: 48

• minimum LENT score: 0

• maximum LENT score: 4.0

• maximum analytical score: 8


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