
The SOMA (Subjective, Objective, Management, Analytic) – LENT (Late Effects of Normal Tissue) scoring system can be used to evaluate injury to the small intestine and colon occurring as a complication following radiation and chemotherapy.


Subjective measures:

(1) stool frequency

(2) stool consistency

(3) pain

(4) constipation


Objective measures:

(1) melena

(2) weight loss from time of treatment

(3) stricture

(4) ulceration


Management measures:

(1) pain

(2) stool consistency and frequency

(3) bleeding

(4) stricture

(5) ulceration


Analytic studies:

(1) CT scan: assessment of wall thickness and sinus/fistula formation

(2) MRI: assessment of wall thickness and sinus/fistula formation

(3) absorption studies: assessment of protein and fat absorption and metabolic balance

(4) barium radiograph: assessment of lumen and peristalsis


If no toxicity is present, then the 0 points are assigned.

If a toxicity is present, then the grade indicates the number of points to assign.


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

stool frequency

2-4 per day

4-8 per day

> 8 per day

uncontrolled diarrhea

stool consistency



mucous, dark and watery



occasional and minimal

intermittent and tolerable

persistent and intense

refractory with rebound


3 – 4 times per week

2 times per week

1 per week

no stool passed in 10 days


occult, occasional

intermittent and tolerable; hemoglobin normal

persistent, hemoglobin decreased 10-20%

refractory, frank blood, > 20% decrease in hemoglobin

weight loss

>= 5 – 10%

10.1 – 20%

20.1 – 30%

> 30%


> two thirds of normal after dilatation

one third to two thirds of normal after dilatation

< one third of normal diameter

complete obstruction


superficial, <= 1 square cm

superficial, > 1 square cm

deep ulcer

perforation, fistula

management of pain

occasional non-narcotic

regular non-narcotic

regular narcotic


management of stool consistency and frequency

diet modification

regular use of non-narcotic antidiarrheal

continuous use of narcotic antidiarrheal


management of bleeding

iron therapy

occasional transfusion

frequent transfusion


management of stricture

occasional diet adaptation

diet adaptation required

medical intervention, NG suction


management of ulceration



medical intervention

surgical intervention


total score =

= SUM(points for all 13 items)


LENT score =

= (total score) / 13



• maximum total score: 50

• minimum LENT score: 0

• maximum LENT score: 3.85


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