A Buruli ulcer may progress through different stages of development.
Form |
Features |
Stage |
non-ulcerative form (pre-ulcer) |
papule, nodule, plaque or edema |
1 |
ulcerative |
ulceration with undermined edges and peripheral induration |
2 |
bone involvement |
osteomyelitis due to M. ulcerans or reactive osteitis |
3 |
complicated |
see below |
4 |
(1) contractures
(2) bleeding (usually from erosion into a major blood vessel)
(3) secondary infection
(4) extension into underlying structures
(5) keloid or hypertrophic scar
(6) Marjolin ulcer (squamous cell carcinoma)
(7) loss of limb
Healing of an ulcer results in a depressed, stellate scar.
Specialty: Infectious Diseases
ICD-10: ,