
Loxosceles reclusa (brown recluse spider) is a poisonous spider with a variable distribution within North America, Anderson recommended standards for reporting cases of brown recluse spider bites taking into account the characteristics of the envenomation and the prevelance of the spider in a region.


NOTE: These criteria could be applied to any envenomation.

Brown Recluse Spider

Regional Distribution for Brown Recluse Spiders

Cutaneous Lesion


recovered immediately and in close proximity; confirmed by entomologist

brown recluse spider well-known in region

lesion typical to an experienced physician


present in immediate vicinity; confirmed by entomologist

brown recluse spider well-known in region

lesion typical to an experienced physician


none recovered in immediate vicinity, or not confirmed by an entomologist

have been found in region; probable or proven bites have occurred

lesion typical to an experienced physician


none recovered in immediate vicinity

none or few; recent cases uncommon or unknown

may not be typical

focal skin necrosis (uncertain)



• A brown recluse spider can be transported to a nonendemic region.

• Other spiders and insects can cause skin lesions that might be confused with a brown recluse spider bite.


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