
Saiag et al listed a number of criteria for diagnosis of regional lymph node metastases from a malignant melanoma on ultrasonography. This can be a reliable method if stringent criteria are used.


Major criteria:

(1) circular or oval hypoechoic lymph node

(2) Solbiati Index < 1.5 (ratio of longitudinal dimension to transverse dimension, indicating that the node is more circular)

(3) hilum not hyperechoic


Minor criteria:

(1) nodular hypoechoic focus within the lymph node

(2) irregularity to lymph node margin



Called Positive If


all 3 major criteria present


>= 1 major AND >= 1 minor criteria present



• The stringent criteria had a sensitivity was 77% and specificity was 98%.

• Use of the nonstringent criteria did not change sensitivity but lowered specificity because of increased numbers of false positive diagnoses.

• Ultrasonography was more sensitive and marginally more specific than palpation on physical exam.


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