
Are you evaluating a healthcare provider's behavior and appearance?

Has the person?

• shown marked changes in behavior (mood swings, depression, euphoria)?

• been often in fights or arguments?

• had patients receiving narcotics show unexpected postoperative pain?

• shown an increase in narcotic use for patient care?

• been careless in charting or record keeping, especially with controlled substances?

• preferred to work alone?

• shown an inappropriate willingness to take call?

• often appeared in the hospital when not on call?

• made frequent requests to go to the bathroom?

• been difficult to find when on call?

• withdrawn from family, friends and leisure activities?

• been gambling excessively?

• had extramarital affairs?

• had several legal problems ?

• been arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI)?

• been gossiped about by others?

• had frequent unexplained absences or unexplained illnesses?

• often worn long sleeved shirts or gowns, even on warm days?

• had pinpoint pupils?

• had the odor of alcohol on the breath?

• been found unconscious?

• been seen injecting or abusing drugs?

• had liquor, drugs and syringes found in possession at work?

• been having chills, diaphoresis, or tremulousness?

• had unexplained weight loss?


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