
Kellett et al reported the SUHB scale based on a patient's gait as a prognostic measure. This is a simple scale that performs as well as more complex measures and that may be less subject to errors. The authors are from Nenagh Hospital, Ennis Hospital and Dundalk Institute of Technology in Ireland.

Patient selection: acutely ill medical patient



(S) stable/steady gait

(U) unstable/unsteady gait (may use a walking aid)

(H) help needed

(B) bedridden


SUHB Scale

Frailty Level

Risk Group

stable gait



unstable gait

vulnerable to mild

low to moderate

help needed

moderate to severe

moderate to high


very severe



The scale identifies the risk of 30-day in-hospital mortality, mental status, falls, pressure sores, dementia and incontinence.


SUHB Scale

30-Day Mortality

stable gait

0 to 0.2%

unstable gait

1 to 3%

help needed

3 to 7%




The scale identifies the risk of 30-day in-hospital mortality, mental status, falls, pressure sores, dementia and incontinence.

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