
Shin et al identified a number of prognostic factors for a terminally-ill cancer patient. They identified serum uric acid as a predictor for approaching death. The authors are from Yongdong Severance Hospital, Yansei University, Ilsan Hospital, and Dongguk University International Hospital in the Republic of Korea.


Patient selection: terminally-ill cancer patient


Factors associated with short survival: from multivariate analysis

(1) moderate to severe pain

(2) ECOG status 4

(3) prothrombin time prolonged not due to anticoagulant (INR > 1.12)

(4) serum cholesterol < 130 mg/dL

(5) serum LDH > 378 IU/L

(6) serum uric acid >= 7.2 mg/dL


The authors identified a rise in serum uric acid in the last 2 weeks before death.


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