
The Crossroads 99 Criteria for screening assessment were developed at the Crossroads 99 Conference held in Ontario, Canada in 1999. The criteria are a modification of the Wilson and Jungner framework for evaluating screening tests. While developed to address the testing for genetic susceptibility to cancer, it can be applied to other diseases.



(1) Ethical, legal and sociobehavioral issues are considered across all domains.

(2) Screening should be considered within a framework that recognizes fundamental human rights.



(1) knowledge of population and disease (4 items)

(2) feasibility of screening procedure (3 items)

(3) interventions and follow-up (3 items)

(4) societal and health system issues (3 items)


Application of criteria:

(1) Table 2 (page 1176) demonstrates the use of the criteria on screening for genetic susceptibility to colorectal cancer.

(2) Responses were "yes", "partially" and "no". These can be expanded to allow finer resolution.

(3) It might be possible to come up with a simple score, with yes = 1, partial = 0.5, and no = 0.



(1) There needs to be some discussion on the handling of false positive and false negative results. Since refers to "screening" there should be "diagnostic" test available.

(2) If the person being screened has no intent to pursue a positive finding, is it still worth performing the test?


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