Vitali et al developed a score for determining disease activity for a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. It was developed as a standardized measure that can be used in clinical trials. The authors are from the Consensus Study Group of the European Workshop for Rheumatology Research.
(1) generalized
(2) arthritis and/or arthralgias
(3) cutaneous
(4) myositis
(5) pericarditis
(6) gut
(7) pulmonary
(8) evolving neuropsychiatric
(9) renal
(10) hematologic
(11) erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
(12) hypocomplementemia
Parameter |
Finding |
Points |
generalized symptoms |
none |
0 |
morning temperature >= 37.5°C not due to infection, OR feeling extraordinary tiredness |
0.5 |
arthritis or arthrlagia |
none |
0 |
non-erosive arthritis OR arthralgia in 2 or more peripheral joints |
1 |
cutaneous manifestations |
none |
0 |
malar erythema, maculopapular rash, patches, digital ulcers, purpura, urticaria, bullous lesions oral ulcer, OR nasopharyngeal ulcer |
0.5 |
myositis |
none |
0 |
elevated muscle enzymes, EMG changes, OR by histologic examination |
2 |
pericarditis |
none |
0 |
documented by ECG, rub, pericardial effusion or ultrasound |
1 |
gut manifestations |
none |
0 |
gut vasculitis OR peritoneal effusion in the absence of an infective process |
2 |
pulmonary manifestations |
none |
0 |
pleural effusion, pneumonitis not due to an infection, OR interstitial disease with dyspnea |
1 |
neuropsychiatric manifestations |
none |
0 |
headache, migraine, seizures, stroke, impaired memory, organic brain disease OR psychosis |
2 |
renal manifestations |
none |
0 |
proteinuria, any kind of urinary casts, microscopic hematuria, gross hematuria, elevated serum creatinine OR decreased creatinine clearance |
0.5 |
hematologic |
none |
0 |
nonhemolytic anemia, hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, lymphopenia OR thrombocytopenia, in the absence of offending drugs |
1 |
<= 25 mm in first hour by Westergren method |
0 |
> 25 mm in first hour by Westergren method in the absence of any other pathologic process |
1 |
complement |
normal |
0 |
reduced plasma C3 and/or CH50 |
1 |
• Proteinuria is > 500 mg per day.
• Leukopenia is a white blood cell count < 3,500 per µL.
• Lymphopenia is an absolute lymphocyte count < 1,500 per µL.
• Thrombocytopenia is a platelet count < 100,000 per µL.
preliminary score =
= SUM(points for all 12 parameters)
Special Conditions |
Additional Points |
if any muco-cutaneous manifestation is new or has worsened since the last observation |
1 point |
if any renal manifestation is new or has worsened since the last observation |
2 points |
if C3, C4 or CH50 are significantly less than the last observation |
1 point |
if the only manifestation is myositis OR neuro-psychiatric OR renal |
2 points |
total score =
= (preliminary points) + SUM(additional points)
Final scoring adjustments:
(1) If the total score is not an integer and is < 6, round DOWN to the nearest integer.
(2) If the total score is not an integer and is > 6, round UP to the nearest integer.
(3) The maximum final score is 10.
final score =
= MIN(10, total score)
• minimum final score: 0
• maximum final score: 10
• The higher the score the greater the disease activity.
Purpose: To evaluate the disease activity of a patient with SLE using the European Consensus Lupus Activity Measurement (ECLAM).
Specialty: Immunology/Rheumatology
Objective: disease progression
ICD-10: M32,