
Godin and Shephard developed a simple questionnaire to measure a person's leisure time exercise. It was designed to be reliable, valid and easy to complete quickly without a need for detailed review. This can be used to monitor the impact of health and physical fitness promotion programs in the community. The authors are from the Universities of Laval and Toronto in Canada.



(1) number of times per week when exercising more than 15 minutes during free time

(1a) strenuous exercise (heart beats rapidly): number of times in week

(1b) moderate exercise (not exhausting): number of times in week

(1c) mild exercise (minimal effort): number of times in week

(2) frequency during the week that a leisure activity lasts long enough to work up a sweat (heart beats rapidly)

(2a) often

(2b) sometimes

(2c) never or rarely

Exercise Intensity


strenuous (9 METS)

running, jogging, hockey, football, soccer, squash, basketball, cross country skiing, judo, roller skating, vigorous swimming, vigorous long distance bicycling.

moderate (5 METS)

fast walking, baseball, tennis, easy bicycling, volleyball, badminton, easy swimming, alpine skiing, popular and folk dancing

mild (3 METS)

yoga, archery, fishing from river bank, bowling, horseshoes, golf, snowmobiling, easy walking.


activity score in arbitrary units =

= (9 * (number of strenuous exercise episodes)) + (5 * (number of moderate exercise episodes)) + (3 * (number of mild exercise episodes))



• A person reporting strenuous exercise and frequent sweating episodes was likely to be thin.

• An effective exercise promotion program will result in an increase in the activity score.


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