NOTE: The form for the questionnaire is on page 1750, Spitzer et al (1994). The copyright is held by Pfizer Inc, but can be photocopied as needed.
The questionnaire will help your doctor better understand problems that you may have. Your doctor may ask you more questions about some of these items. Please make sure to check a box for every item.
(1) things bothering during the month: 21 items
(2) events during the past month: 5 items
(3) 5 point Likert scale on health (from excellent to poor)
(1) 26 questions: yes or no
(2) overall health: one of the 5 options
Conditions screened for:
(1) somatoform disorders: 16 (questions 1-16)
(2) eating disorder: 1 (question 17)
(3) depression: 2 (questions 18-19)
(4) anxiety: 3 (questions 20-22)
(5) alcohol usage: 4 (questions 23-26)