The Serotonin Syndrome Scale can be used to evaluate patients suspected of having the Serotonin Syndrome. It provides a score based on 9 parameters based on the criteria proposed by Sternbach.
Parameters evaluated:
(1) agitation
(2) disorientation
(3) myoclonus
(4) hyperreflexia
(5) tremor
(6) dizziness
(7) hyperthermia
(8) sweating
(9) diarrhea
Parameter |
Finding |
Points |
agitation |
none |
0 |
slight and intermittent |
1 |
moderate (unrest sitting) |
2 |
severe and permanent; prolonged sitting is nearly impossible; patient always feels restless |
3 |
disorders of orientation |
none |
0 |
mild |
1 |
moderate |
2 |
severe, or more than 1 quality significantly impaired |
3 |
myoclonus |
none |
0 |
patient reports some short episodes |
1 |
patient reports repeated episodes; isolated myocloni are visible |
2 |
permanent, visible myocloni |
3 |
hyperreflexia |
none |
0 |
hyperreflexia with normal reflexogenic zone |
1 |
hyperreflexia with enlarged reflexogenic zone; exhaustible cloni |
2 |
hyperreflexia with enlarged reflexogenic zone; non-exhaustible cloni |
3 |
tremor |
none |
0 |
tremor with small amplitude; functioning is not impaired |
1 |
tremor with a significant amplitude; functioning (holding a cup, writing, etc.) is moderately impaired |
2 |
tremor with high amplitude; functioning severely impaired |
3 |
dizziness (subjective feeling) |
none |
0 |
slight and intermittent feeling of dizziness |
1 |
patient feels dizzy most of the time, but functioning (moving, standing) is not impaired |
2 |
patient always feels dizzy; functioning is affected |
3 |
hyperthermia |
sublingual temperature < 37°C |
0 |
sublingual temperature 37-37.9°C |
1 |
sublingual temperature 38-38.9°C |
2 |
sublingual temperature >= 39.0 37°C |
3 |
sweating |
none |
0 |
subjective feeling of increased sweating |
1 |
moist skin, some beads of perspiration can be seen |
2 |
visible beads of perspiration with wet clothes or bedspread |
3 |
diarrhea |
none |
0 |
feces with reduced consistency, but normal frequency |
1 |
liquid feces and/or frequency 1-3 per day |
2 |
liquid with frequency > 3 per day |
3 |
• agitation = motor restlessness, also akathisia
• orientation = according to time, place, person or situation, with most severe expression scored
• myoclonus = sudden clinic jerks of some muscles without or with only little movement effect; Sleeping jerks" should not be scored
• sweating is evaluated at rest with normal environmental temperatures
serotonin syndrome score =
= SUM(points for all 9 items)
• minimum score = 0
• maximum score = 27
• The serotonin syndrome is presumed present if the score is > 6 (corresponding to moderate intensity of 3 or more symptoms)
Purpose: To use the Serotonin Syndrome Scale to evaluate a patient suspected of having the Serotonin Syndrome.
Specialty: Psychiatry
Objective: criteria for diagnosis, severity, prognosis, stage, drug interactions, complication detection
ICD-10: Y52.5,