
The signal-to-cutoff ratio for an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) result in anti-Hepatitis C antibody testing can help distinguish low risk from high risk patients for hepatitis C viral infections.


cutoff point for absorbance =

= (mean for all negative values) + 0.6


A patient test is reported as positive if it is greater than the cutoff value. If a test is positive, then a second repeat test is performed. If the second test is positive then the result is reported as “repeatedly positive.”


signal-to-cutoff ratio =

= (signal for patient in absorbance units) / (cutoff absorbance level)



• A signal-to-cutoff ratio < 3.8 is reported as low and a ratio >= 3.8 is reported as high.

• A low signal-to-cutoff ratio often is a false positive.

• A high signal-to-cutoff ratio is often a true positive.

S/C Ratio

Percent HCV RNA Positive

1.0 – 1.5


1.6 – 3.5

12 – 17%

3.6 – 3.7


>= 3.8

87 – 91%

from Table 3, page 482, Dufour et al


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