
A patient with cirrhosis who has a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) may develop cardiac decompensation. The authors are from Hopital Purpan CHU Toulouse, Hopital Rangueil CHU Toulouse and Universite Paul Sabatier et Institut Cardiomet.

Frequency within 1 year: 20%


Factors associated with a low risk of cardiac decompensation:

(1) serum BNP < 40 pg/mL or NT-proBNP < 125 pg/mL

(2) absence of diastolic dysfunction echocardiography


Factors associated with increased risk for cardiac decompensation:

(1) prolonged QTc interval in milliseconds (462 ms, vs 443)

(2) elevated serum BNP or NT-proBNP concentration

(3) elevated E/A ratio (1.5, vs 1.0)

(4) elevated E/e' ratio (11, vs 7)

(5) left atrial dilatation (40 mL per square meter, vs 29)

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