Some premature neonates in the NICU develop necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) following transfusion of red blood cells and/or plasma.
Some people refer to the phenomenon as transfusion associated acute gut injury (TRAGI).
Clinical features:
(1) premature neonate in the NICU
(2) development of necrotizing entercolitis (NEC) after the blood product transfusion, most often within 48 hours
(3) no alternative diagnosis that can explain the NEC better
Some people accept the relationship while others question it.
Arguments for:
(1) it has been observed in a large number of cases
(2) it may be associated with feeding during the transfusion, with some people restricting feeds during transfusion while others do not
Arguments against:
(1) it is very difficult to control for all of the risk factors for NEC, and blood products are transfused when other risk factors are present
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Specialty: Clinical Laboratory