Some drugs used to treat obesity are "precursor" drugs that are metabolized to methamphetamine and/or amphetamine. These drugs can result in a positive urine drug test that may difficult to explain.
Precursor drugs include (some only available in some countries):
(1) benzamphetamine (Didrex)
(2) amphetaminil
(3) benzphetamine
(4) clobenzorex
(5) deprenyl
(6) dimethylamphetamine
(7) ethylamphetamine
(8) famprofazone
(9) fencamine
(10) fenethylline
(11) fenproporex
(12) furfenorex
(13) mefenorex
(14) mesocarb
(15) prenyalamine
It may be difficult to determine:
(1) if the person is abusing the prescription
(2) if the person is using the prescription to mask illegal use
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