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The Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) symptom scale can be used to evaluate a patient with a disorder of the upper extremity. It can be used to monitor the patient over time and to determine the effectiveness of an intervention.


(1) opening a tight or new jar

(2) writing

(3) turning a key

(4) preparing a meal

(5) pushing open a heavy door

(6) placing an object on a shelf above the head

(7) doing heavy household chores

(8) gardening or doing yard work

(9) making a bed

(10) carrying a shopping bag or briefcase

(11) carrying a heavy object (over 5 kilograms)

(12) changing a light bulb overhead

(13) washing or blowing drying the hair

(14) washing the back

(15) putting on a pullover sweater

(16) using a knife to cut food

(17) recreational activities that require little effort

(18) recreational activities that require taking some force or impact through the arm, shoulder or hand

(19) recreational activities that require moving the arm freely

(20) managing transportation needs (getting from one place to another)

(21) sexual activities

(22) social activities

(23) work and other daily activities

(24) pain

(25) pain when performing activities

(26) tingling

(27) weakness

(28) stiffness

(29) difficulty in sleeping

(30) impact on self-image




no difficulty or no symptom


slight difficulty or mild symptom


moderate difficulty or symptom


severe difficulty or symptom


unable to perform or very severe symptom




• Pain (item 24) may refer to pain at rest.

• Alternatively the points may be assigned from 1 to 5.


total score =

= SUM(points for all 30 items)


adjusted score (if scored from 0 to 4) =

= (total score for patient) / 120 * 100



• minimum score (using 0 to 4 scale): 0

• maximum score (using 0 to 4 scale): 120

• minimum adjusted score: 0

• maximum adjusted score: 100


Adjusted Score

Disability Level


no disability


extreme disability


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