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Ideally a chromatographic peak should be symmetrical. In many applications the downward slope tends to take longer to reach baseline than the curve took to reach its maximum. This "peak tailing" can be evaluated by a number of measures based on the symmetry of the chromatographic peak.


Methods for evaluating peak tailing:

(1) tailing factor, Tf (US Pharmacopeia)

(2) peak asymmetry factor, As


Parameters for the tailing factor:

(1) peak height

(2) peak width at 5% of the peak height from baseline

(3) width of the front half of the peak at 5% of the peak height from baseline


tailing factor =

= (peak width) / (2 * (front half width))


Parameters for the peak asymmetry factor:

(1) peak height

(2) width of the front half of the peak at 10% of the peak height from baseline

(3) width of the back half of the peak at 10% of the peak height from baseline


peak asymmetry factor =

= (back half width) / (front half width)



• Under ideal circumstances, both measures should be 1.

• As tailing increases, both measures will increase.

• As a rule of thumb, a system with either factor <= 1.5 is usually not worth trying to improve.


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