The availability of vaccines against hepatitis A virus permits preexposure prophylaxis of nonimmune individuals to viral hepatitis A.
High risk populations for hepatitis A viral infections for whom vaccination is recommended:
(1) travelers (visitors or workers) to countries with high or intermediate rates of hepatitis A virus infection
(2) US communities with high rates of infections (Native Americans, Alaskan natives, Pacific Islanders, selected Hispanic communities, selected religious communities)
(3) homosexual and bisexual males
(4) injection drug users
(5) persons with chronic liver disease
(6) food handlers (optional)
(7) persons with occupational exposure (working with nonhuman primates, research laboratory exposure)
(8) persons with clotting factor disorders, especially solvent-detergent-treated preparations
(9) during outbreaks targeting subpopulations at risk
(10) close contacts (household contact, babysitter, other) a newly arrived international adoptee
Populations where vaccination is usually not indicated except during outbreaks
(1) children and workers at day care centers
(2) workers at health care institutions
(3) residents and workers at institutions for persons with developmental disabilities
(4) schools
Vaccination schedule for the sincle antigen vaccine consists of 2 doses, with the second dose
(1) second dose for Havrix: 6-12 months later
(2) second dose for Vaqta 6 to 18 months later
Vaccination for children should start at 12 months of age.
Contraindications and precautions
(1) contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity reactions to alum or 2-phenoxyethanol
(2) safety during pregnancy has not been determined but any risk is probably low; vaccine use should be considered when the risk of hepatitis A infection is high
(3) no special precautions needed for immunocompromised persons
Purpose: To prevent hepatitis A in a person at risk for disease by vaccination.
Specialty: Infectious Diseases, Pharmacology, clinical, Gastroenterology
Objective: pharmacogenetics, prevention
ICD-10: B15,