The diagnosis of infective endocarditis can be made the use of strict criteria.
Definite: direct evidence of infective endocarditis
(1) based on histology of material removed at surgery or at autopsy
(2) on Gram stain or culture of valvular vegetation or peripheral embolus
(A) persistently positive blood cultures plus one or both of the following:
(A1) new regurgitant murmur
(A2) vascular phenomenon and predisposing heart disease
(B) negative or intermittently positive blood cultures with all 3 of the following
(B1) fever
(B2) new regurgitant murmur
(B3) vascular phenomenon
(A) persistently positive blood cultures plus one of the following:
(A1) vascular phenomenon
(A2) predisposing heart disease
(B) negative or intermittently positive blood cultures with all 3 of the following
(B1) fever
(B2) predisposing heart disease
(B3) vascular phenomenon
(C) viridans streptococcus isolated
(C1) at least 2 positive blood cultures
(C2) no extra-cardiac source for positive blood cultures
(C3) fever
(1) endocarditis unlikely with an alternative diagnosis generally apparent
(2) endocarditis not excluded, but empiric therapy warranted
(3) culture negative endocarditis diagnosed clinically, but excluded by postmortem
Predisposing heart disease:
(1) congenital heart disease
(2) valvular heart disease, or
(3) cardiac prosthesis other than permanent pacemaker
Persistently positive blood cultures :
(1) at least 2 blood cultures obtained
(2) 2 of 2, 3 of 3, or at least 70% of 4 more cultures taken positive
Intermittently positive blood cultures:
(1) at least one blood culture positive
(2) does not meet definition of persistently positive
Vascular phenomenon: petechiae, splinter hemorrhages, conjunctival hemorrhages, Roth spots, Osler's nodes, Janeway lesions, aseptic meningitis, glomerulonephritis, and emboli (pulmonary, CNS, coronary or peripheral)
Specialty: Infectious Diseases, Cardiology
ICD-10: ,