
A weathering nodule is a benign, reactive lesion of the external ear.

Pathogenesis: believed to be related to chronic UV exposure


Clinical features:

(1) firm asymptomatic papule or nodule on the helix or antihelix of the ear that are skin colored to white

(2) the lesions may be bilateral and may be multiple

(3) typically seen in elderly White males with light skin color

(4) history of sun exposure


Pressure applied to adjacent skin causes the nodule to blanch ("blanch sign").


Biopsy shows:

(1) fibrous tissue

(2) focal cartilaginous metaplasia

(3) elastic tissue degeneration

(4) absence of inflammatory cells


The diagnosis requires exclusion of other mass lesions of the external ear.


It can coexist with chondrodermatitis nodularis helices.


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