Western blot analysis of insoluble tau proteins can identify bands associated with specific types of tauopathies.
Specimen: sarcosyl-insoluble proteins from brain biopsy
Band identification: mmunostaining with anti-tau antibodies
Bands on Western blot protein electropheresis
(1) 55 kilodaltons
(2) 64 kilodaltons
(3) 68 kilodaltons
55 kDa |
64 kDa |
68kDa |
Diagnosis |
present |
present |
present |
AD, FTDP-17 non exon 10 mutations |
present |
present |
absent |
Pick's disease |
absent |
present |
present |
PSP, CBD, FTDP-17 with exon 10 mutations |
AD = Alzheimer's disease
PSP = progressive supranuclear palsy
CBD = corticobulbar degeneration
FTDP-17 = frontotemporal dementia and Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17
Specialty: Neurology
ICD-10: ,