A rare but serious complication of the yellow fever vaccine is Yellow Fever Vaccine-Associated Neurotropic Disease (YEL-AND).
Synonym: postvaccinal encephalitis
Risk factors:
(1) newborn or infant < 9 months of age
Onset: 4 to 23 days after the vaccination
Clinical features:
(1) fever
(2) headache
(3) malaise
(4) focal neurologic signs
(5) rarely coma and death
Laboratory features:
(1) elevated CSF protein
(2) elevated CSF WBC count (up to 500 per µL)
(3) IgM antibody to yellow fever antigen
Other neurologic complications of YF vaccination:
(1) Guillain Barre syndrome
(2) acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
(3) allergic encephalomyelitis (associated with a French neurotropic vaccine)
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Specialty: Infectious Diseases, Pharmacology, clinical
ICD-10: ,